Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Just General Thoughts...

So it's really the end. Took my last final on Monday, now I sit and wait for grades. Rumor has it...they'll be available as of the 12th. I hope that's true. I have family coming in this weekend and I can't wait! I'm so excited to see my aunt and uncle. I don't get to see them that much, so I seriously can not wait! lol...I know I'm excited...I can't help it. Then I can't wait for my party on Sunday after graduation. Don't know how many people will be there because it is mother's day. I already know a few that won't be able to be there...a few of them I really wish would be there...kind of makes me sad that they won't be...*shrugs shoulders* but hey...I guess you do what you gotta do. So my allergies this year...yeah that's a whole other story. I'm just sick of them...they are like 100 times worse then years past. I only bring this up now because they are bothering me now...and hey these are my thoughts for the day. Another thought that is on my mind everyday is my boyfriend, Rich. I spent a day with him and his daughter earlier this week, and it just went by way too fast. His daughter's full of energy and wears me down. try chasing a 4 year's harder then you would think. But she's still adorable...can't fight that part of it. Rich - oh he's not too bad either ;) I never get to spend enough time with him. I hate the feeling of knowing I have to leave. I guess that's why I'm a little down about him not being able to come to my graduation party...I know he has to work and that's that...but I also know it's going to be another day that I'm going to be missing him and not seeing him. I just can't help thoughts always seem to go back to him. Now that I don't have school to concentrate on and I don't start working for a couple weeks...I'm at that point where I think of him all the time, and miss him even more. It's just a viscious cycle of never ending ever been there?

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