Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yeah...another overnight...

You see...I can't not post an entry when I do my overnights...guess I get that bored. I've also determined that when I'm tired...such as when I have to do an overnight...I get very emotional and "clingy" in a sense. I guess it's just the fact that I'm able to do more thinking when I'm alone at the station. And me doing thinking...never a good thing. What do I think about? I can't exactly devulge that type of information...or I'd have to kill you. But you could probably guess what it involves. Moving on...this weekend has really sucked. Not because I've had two overnights...that sucks too, but I have seriously felt like complete shit since Friday...and I'm not exactly sure why. I don't know...maybe I'm skirting around a bug or something. I also think I was dehydrated from not drinking enough water. The heat could have been taking a toll on me lately too and I could have had heat exhausation...which makes me feel light headed and ache all I don't know. The only thing I do know is I'm feeling 100 times better then I did on Friday. Still have a slight headache which just wants to hold on, but I feel better other then that. This is also the first time I actually considered calling my boss and telling him I couldn't go work. Even though it is an overnight and I hate those, I would have felt I'm glad I was able to make it for them an extra 6 hours isn't too bad when the pay day rolls around. I'm back to WIBX this week. Kind of depressing in a way because I've been spoiled working during the day and having my nights off. I've been able to watch some shows that I haven't been able to in awhile. However, I have missed working on IBX. I've also felt kind of bad. They've been shorthanded lately because I've been putting in all my time over at Lite. Covering some of the meetings gets really long and tiring, but then I have those other meetings that are kind of exciting and different and I get to meet new people. So now I know that if I don't get the full time position on's not going to be the end of the world. I still don't mind working on IBX. I just would love having something full time which would give me my nights off and maybe not make me so freaking stressed. Anyway...the fun filled overnight it time to go home yet?

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