Sunday, June 04, 2006

One of those days...

So have you ever had one of those days that you know you should be in a good mood but instead you can't help but be in a bad mood? Yeah--yesterday was that day for me. I was with Rich the entire day so I should have been ecstatic to just be able to see him and be with him...but instead, I just couldn't help but have concerns and such plague me. Maybe the working thing is catching up to me...that could be my excuse for being so emotional yesterday...but it's probably not true. I know exactly what was on my mind...of course I knew, it is my mind...but as of now I'm not sharing it with anyone. I have a few concerns and problems that I need to try to work through on my own. What are they related to? Well...that question isn't going to be answered either. I couldn't help it, yesterday from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep I would just have moments where I just had to cry. You know sometimes you do just need a good cry. Although being with Rich yesterday I did a pretty good job of hiding it, and he was able to take my mind off of what I was thinking for a little while. And then the nighttime rolled around and I got him concerned, which wasn't my goal by any means. Although I wish I could have stayed with him all might have been a good thing I had to come home. I was able to do some serious thinking...and came to the conclusion that I miss him. it might have been good to come home by myself, but in the long run, I still wanted to be with him. It's a crazy mixed up vicious cycle that we go through every week when we don't get to see each other. What makes this cycle inevitable? Well...our work schedules for the most part. I'm in the middle of a 15 day stretch of working. That's more then 2 weeks realize that? I have most days off which is nice I can kind of relax and catch up on sleep...and of course miss Rich more :) But yeah...the main reason for this post was to just ask if you've ever had one of those days where everything should be fine and perfect and ideal but it just isn't? Yeah--it's not fun...especially when you wish the problem wasn't an actual problem...

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