Friday, April 24, 2009

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where when you wake up you just know nothings going to go right? It's one of those days where you wonder what the point of even trying is? You just know that you'll screw up whatever you do and have to redo it so you're better off sitting there twiddling your thumbs?'s one of those days.

Two pieces of chocolate cake did not agree with me yesterday and I woke up with a pounding headache. However after doing horrible at my weigh in yesterday I knew that I needed to exercise and had convinced myself that I was going to get up and do so, so I did. The running on the treadmill agravated my head and in the shower this morning I was just ready to curl up in the bottom of the shower and let the water hit me. I've done that before when I have an awful headache, and it seems to help. I felt a little better after the shower but I sat in the chair this morning and dozed off for about 10 minutes. I'm lucky I woke up to come to work. I can barely keep my eyes open today. And I can barely look at the computer screen today as my head is just saying "you don't want to do anything, do you?" I'm looking at the clock and am happy that there's only 2 hours left in the day. I hope to go home and exercise again (laughs...riiiiight) and maybe eat lunch (not sure if I'll eat or just curl up on the couch) and then I'll lay down for a nap. I need it today. I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow to work at 6, that's an early shift! I don't do that often, and there's a reason for it! The good part is I can actually enjoy the day outside because I'm not working the whole day. I hope to go for a nice long walk since it'll be in the mid to upper 80's! Gonna drag Rich with me to go for a walk. Perfect day for it.

All I need to do right now is shake this headache. I always know that too much chocolate (especially dark chocolate) gives me a headache but I'm a freaking sucker for chocolate so I eat it anyway. You think I'd learn. I always tell myself that you can do without, but it never works that way. I wish I could remember how I feel right now and that would be the biggest incentive to staying away from chocolate. So here I go to kill 2 more hours of time...any suggestions?

1 comment:

mobbyg said...

You didn't drag me. I went willingly! :)