Monday, November 09, 2009

It's that time of year

With Christmas a short 46 days away, I always spend some time thinking about the meaning of Christmas and sometimes wishing those that I love could be around to celebrate with us. It never ceases to amaze me as I watch people start to gather in the stores to buy those electronics and games or fight over that last toy left on the shelf. What are we teaching our children to expect tons of things on Christmas? And that's all it is...things...stuff that quite often will end up broken or stuffed in a corner somewhere. I think about those that have nothing and would give anything to be able to give their child something, even clothes for them to wear. Why aren't we helping them instead of spoiling children (or adults for that matter)? They would love a nice warm meal on Christmas or a place to stay that's out of the snow and cold, something we always take for granted.

Why aren't we teaching children the real meaning of Christmas? Take some time out this holiday season to really think about your life and what values you hope your children will grow up with. Teach them to help out this holiday season, whether it's ringing the bell for the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign, or volunteering at a food bank or soup kitchen for a few days ... these are things that make a real difference and your children will thank you for as they get older. It's never too early to instill in your children the act of generosity. There are people that are a lot less fortunate and could use your help! Remember that this holiday season and lend a hand!

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