Monday, February 05, 2007

My First Day

So I started my job today at the Herkimer Evening Telegram. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The only thing that I'm not used to is getting up at 5 in the morning. That made me kinda tired today. But I got there at 7 in the morning and started by writing up some community events and such. Then I started on 2 stories that I would have a byline on. Made some phone calls and left some messages. That's the problem with reporting...if you don't get ahold of someone you have to leave messages and it's in their hands when they'll call you back. The morning went by really fast. We had a meeting around 11 and decided who was covering what night meetings. They still aren't set in stone though. I took my lunch around 12 and then the afternoon started to drag. No one was calling me back, I take that back...I did get one call back and did an interview for a story. So I talked to 2 people and did 2 interviews, one for each of my stories. Tried to get ahold of 2 other who was on vacation until next Monday, tthe other who I left a message on their machine and they never called me back. So the afternoon dragged...until about 3 when I started keying in some more community events and such just so I had something to do. I think the worst part of the day was when I had to drive home. It had been snowing all day and the wind was blowing like crazy. It was 20 below with the windchill almost all day. I had to travel from Herkimer back to Utica...took me 15 minutes longer then usual...which actually in reality wasn't that bad. I made it, and once I got home I was just relieved to have made it back. Figures I start working when the snow decides to make an apperance. Lucky me. I'll just take my time and not kill myself trying to get to and from work. So came home, talked to Rich for a little bit, ate dinner and fun stuff like that. Rich had to leave for work around 6...and I literally collapsed. Slept until 7:30 or so. Getting used to this 5 o'clock in the morning thing is gonna take a little while. I'll probably be in bed in an hour or so. Gonna sleep well I think for another day at work tomorrow. I'm gonna try to go to the gym tomorrow I think...but it really depends on how I feel and how the roads are and such. Anyway...I was bored without Rich here to talk thought I'd give an update on the first day of my full time working career. Soon you'll see my byline!! It'll be exciting!! lol...anyway, be back in a few days probably. Have a great week!

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