Thursday, October 19, 2006

Is The Week Over Yet?

So this week has been hell to say the least. My God...I have been going through it in like a blur...just going through the motions and not really feeling anything or knowing what I've been doing. It's a week like this that I know I need to get a full time job!! Working my ass off this week at three jobs is just too much for me. It's finally started to settle down...I just have to make it through today...then I can relax tomorrow. One day off...before starting another hell session. I would be remiss not to point out though...that today I have an interview for a full time job. It's not in my field of Broadcasting...but it would get me started and I would make more money and get benefits...and to top it off...I'd be able to drop two other jobs. The job is actually at the place of one of my jobs...I'm a food service aide currently at LutheranCare...I have applied and am interviewing for an administrative secretary job. It would definitely get me on the right track. I would stay at Lite on weekends (not sure if I'd work Sundays though...think I might need a day off there somewhere). I would drop my food service job obviously, and I would drop WIBX. I know I have truly grown at both Lite and IBX...but lately...IBX isn't fun anymore. Apparently my stories aren't completely up to par...and it takes begging on my part to get my boss to finally sit down with me to go over them. How can I improve if I don't know what I'm doing wrong? So IBX is just unneeded stress right now. I dread everyday I have to go in there...who wants to feel that way about their job? The people I work with there at night...are awesome! I have to point that part I'd miss them if I leave...but I have to start thinking about myself. It has been too long since I've actually sat down and said "What does Kim really want?" The answer to that question doesn't come too easy these days. I used to wonder what I wanted. I know back in high school...when I was this shy girl who wouldn't speak up if my life depended on it...all I wanted was to make it through and graduate. I was never a good student in school, almost completely flunking out of my 10th grade year. Math and Science were not for me...but when I took Creative Writing, Journalism and Public Speaking in my senior year...I was right at home. I determined I wanted to do something in that field or one related to it. Going to HCCC was the best decision I ever made. I made some life long friends and being in Radio/TV you had to talk...I opened up so much and at the end of my second year there when I was getting ready to graduate I was voted "Most Improved" at the Poobie Awards. It was at that point that I knew things were coming together and I would be ok. When I was offered a part time job at Lite 98.7 in November of my senior year...I was ecstatic. I mean...the number one station in the market, and they wanted me? Of course...overnights were very difficult, but everyone had to start somewhere. I look back at how much I've accomplished during the three years I've been at Lite. From overnights I moved in to Sunday nights, when they used to be live I did 8-midnight. That was hard, because the next morning I had an 8 o'clock class...which needless to say I didn't do too well in. From there I started filling in on holidays, when there weren't any contests or request hours to do. After that...I was doing some Saturdays and then some Sundays, and still doing overnights at least once a month. When our PD changed in September 2005, I still did the occasional overnight, and some Saturdays and Sundays again. In January of this year...I started filling in every other week for the All 80's Saturday night, which is a 4 hour request show. That gave me tons of experience on phones and requests, and after I graduated in May of this year I started filling in tons for people vacationing and while they were looking for a new mid-day person. So I am trained on every shift except for mornings...Mark can keep those...hehe. Now, I work every Saturday and Sunday, every holiday, and usually when people are on vacation. So that's my background at Lite...think I've grown? Oh yeah...not just as a person...but as a personality. Personality is everything for a DJ...and I've started to try to polish mine to sound unique and different. So that brings me back to the question..."What does Kim want?" I haven't actually thought about that for awhile. I'm not looking long term anymore. What do I want right now? I want a full time job for one. My student loans start up in December and as of now...I'm not going to be making enough to pay all of my bills. That's where the full time job comes in. What else do I want? I want to be able to hang out with my friends more often. As of now...I never go out or do anything because I'm working so much and either exhausted or don't have time. Another thing I really want right now is to be able to see my boyfriend more then just once a week. This may seem like a little thing to you...but I only see him at work. We don't get to go out and do anything, or just cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie. And every time I get ready to leave the station and know it's another week before I see him becomes harder and harder. The final thing I want is a vacation. Not just a weekend vacation that's coming up in December for me...but a full blown week vacation from everything. Don't know where right now...but I don't just want it...I need it. I have been working since May of this year without getting more then one day off at a time, with a few exceptions. Many of those days I pulled doubles or triples, working at more then one job in a day. Would you be stressed? I sure as hell am. So wish me luck at my interview you can tell, I need a full time job!! And I pose the this week over yet? :-(

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