Thursday, November 20, 2008

The holiday season

So it's been a long time since I've checked in...what a surprise there, right? Work and life seems to be keeping me pretty busy lately. I am, however, ready for my paid vacation next month. All of us get a week and a half off around Christmas, and it's really nice to be able to not have to go through the stress that comes with working around the holidays. It'll be a nice end to the year as well. Next week will be nice too though with only 3 days and then off, and paid, for Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

Well I'm suffering a pretty severe cold. Have been for almost a week now. It went downhill pretty fast but today I think I sense the swing around and hopefully it's moving toward the better end of things.

As Christmas fast approaches I have depleted my bank account pretty fast with the whole shopping thing, but the good news is I am almost done. I think I have one more thing to get and I will do that after I get paid sometime, so I'm excited about that. I love the holidays typically but this year I was already wrapping some of the gifts I got people and it took a lot to get me in the holiday spirit. I don't seem to be there quite yet and I'm not sure why. My sister's coming home for the first time in many years for Christmas, I should be in a good mood, right? I don't know. Some things that bother me around the holidays include the hustle and bustle at the store. I quite often walk by a couple people arguing ove the one item that is left. Is that the holiday spirit? Or you know those people practically running and pushing people out of the way or the long lines that people can't stand...then don't go to the store around the holidays! Don't act surprised that people are there. Then there's the kids. I love kids around the holidays. I think they look so cute in their little dresses with their hair done all right. But you know what I'm talking about, right? The kids with their parents in the store, saying I want that, I want this. I think every child should know the story of Christmas and know what Christmas is really about. Christmas has never been about the gifts. The gifts started when the three wisemen gave the gifts to baby Jesus after he was born. Christmas is about celebrating His life. I know it's in the back of some people's minds, but too often it's forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the store or decorating the house, or baking cookies. Take a minute out of your day and really remember. And maybe do something nice for someone this year. Give money you would have spent to a charity so kids who have nothing on Christmas can have just one gift. Make a child's face light up with one gift. Really think about how much you typically buy for family or friends. I'm guilty as well. Everyone gets many gifts from me, but I'm asking people this year to give to a charity in my name. I don't need anything, but some people do. Think about that when you start to get caught up in the hustle and bustle.

So I guess that's my message for the day. Wanted to get it out there early so when you do go out again you can think about something other then the wants. Have a wonderful week :)

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