Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ramblings of a journalist/DJ

Well its been a long time since I've written one of these, so I kinda just thought an update was needed. That's the general reason for this. I'm keeping way too busy working, and have kicked off another job search. I thought this was over after I got a full time job at the Telegram, but ask everyone around you and they will agree that I am extremely stressed and in need of time off yet again because I work twice as much as I'm home. It's insane. Probably most of it is because we are short a reporter and Eric (my fellow reporter) and me are stretching ourselves thin trying to cover all night meetings and events along with other important Herkimer County news. In addition to that, I'm working typically 6 days a week at the station since I'm the overnight voicetracker and I keep wondering if it's worth it. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the radio station, I have determined that's where my real passion lies. But I feel underappreciated in some sense. I know you're not in radio for the money, and that's fine, I don't do it for the money, but making minimum wage to me is insane! People working at fast food restaurants make more then me...tell me that's not wrong. That's been bothering me lately, maybe it's just because I'm there so much more now. I work a full day at the paper and have to go in to voicetrack the overnight. For the most part I'm just trying to keep my foot in the door at the station in case something happens to open up. So I'm stressed most of the time, tired all the time, and kinda snippy at most people most of the time. I've learned to keep my mouth shut lately 'cause if I don't I snap at people because I get irritated and upset for sometimes no reason at all. Maybe it's the fact that I have no way to unwind or no one to really turn to for comfort. I don't know what it could be...other then the fact that I am working way too much. I keep hearing 'you're young you can do it.' all those that will say that...I challenge you to work all day and only spend 3 or 4 hours, if that, at home, not including sleeping time. I just keep wondering why the hell I do it. I'm not happy anymore. I used to love to write. Now, I don't get to write for fun anymore because by the time I get home I've spent all day writing and I don't want to do it when I get home. I miss writing for fun. I unwind when I write...but at work it's full of stress and pressure having to come up with at least two stories a day, and if you don't you get a freaking disappointed look by the editor and you wanna say, 'why the hell don't you try to come up with a story when no one calls you back.' I've been talking to the reporter who left a couple months after I started and she sited the same thing as one reason she left. She told me to give it time and if I still feel like I need to leave, then do so. Well if they don't hire another reporter soon, I'm seriously thinking about it, hence the job search. Anyway, that's the reason I haven't checked in for more than a month...I'm way too busy working, but on the same note I'm trying to keep myself busy in some sense to keep my mind off other things (not going there)...anyway, these are the senseless ramblings of me...hopefully I'll start to check in more often.

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