Monday, September 11, 2006

Weekend & stuff...

So I had a weekend off this past weekend...I don't remember the last time I had a full weekend off. Trust me I treasured this past weekend because I have a feeling it's not going to happen again anytime soon. Let me explain...I didn't get the full time position on Lite. They did however hire one of the other part-timers which was the next best thing. Therefore, he's been moved to full time and we're down a part-timer and now I'll be working every Saturday and Sunday for awhile I think...I don't completely mind...but when I don't have another day off during the week, or I just get Friday's off, it makes for a very long week...and not enough time for myself. Anyway, that's the main reason I treasured this past weekend...another reason would be I got to spend it with Rich and Terry. Now I'm spoiled and I know Saturday won't come fast enough. Now I have to go back to only seeing him once a week...and that took a toll on me last month when we went a week or two without seeing each other. Ugh...yeah I sounds lame...but I'm in love and there's nothing else that can be done about that. So primaries are tomorrow...gonna be a VERY long day for me. I have to do mid-days on Lite and then I have to cover elections...I'll be at one of the candidates for Senate headquarters. I get to do live updates on the I'll be nervous about that...but at the same time excited. It's actually kind of fun being out amongst all the action waiting to hear poll results hearing the low buzz of anticipation. It's really a rush...although I will be at the station until well after midnight I anticipate...and that runs into my birthday...which sucks for me...but trust me...EVERYONE will know it's my birthday when midnight rolls around...hehe... Which brings me to the subject of my birthday!! hehe...yeah 2 days...get me something good!! lol...I'll leave it at that for the time being...but don't let me have to hunt you down to get my gift :-)

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